by David | Jun 18, 2018 | Writing Samples
Grantville, December 1633 The music came to an end. Atwood flipped a switch on the board and leaned forward to the microphone on the table. “And that was the beautiful ‘Nimrod’ movement from Variations on an Original Theme for Orchestra, Opus 36, called the ‘Enigma’...
by David | Jun 18, 2018 | Writing Samples
The spaceship settled on the Washington Mall, nose pointed toward the Capitol. The crowds seemed to coalesce around the police barricades almost immediately. Despite the risk, no one wanted to miss out on the first visit from extra-terrestrials. Every news channel...
by David | Jun 18, 2018 | Writing Samples
Magdeburg Friday, October 14, 1633 Franz knocked on the door, and waited impatiently for someone to answer. Marla made a slight grunt, and her hold on his arm became a fierce clutch. He leaned over to her bowed head, and said, “But a moment more, and you will be...