1635: Music and Murder, that is, just in time to buy and read it before 1636: The Devil’s Opera comes out on October 1.
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1635: Music and Murder, that is, just in time to buy and read it before 1636: The Devil’s Opera comes out on October 1.
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Mr. Carrico: I discovered the Ring of Fire series about 9 months ago now and have devoured just about everything I could get my hands on of it. Through reading the print versions of the Gazette I became familiar with your works, particularly the "Marla and Franz" (as I called them in my head) stories. I recently bought "Music and Murder" and just finished the "Music" section. I have never before written the author of a work I have read with my thoughts on that work but I feel compelled to do so now and I don't know where else to write it other than here. I can honestly say that I've only been as emotionally moved by a work of art as I was by "Music", particularly the last sections of it maybe two other times in my life. (For the record the other two were: When I first heard Beethoven's Mass in D Major from a recording of a performance by Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, and watching the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" episode "The Body"…yes, I have eclectic tastes.) I've always appreciated "classical" music but I've never focused my interests on it, I occasionally listen to Beethoven or Holst and have been to a handful of operas but that is about the extent of my engagement with the genre(s). While I read "Music" I actually played many of the pieces discussed or contained in it on my computer and discovered that I have a passion for this music. I now am setting in to listen to as much as I can with a new and much fuller appreciation than I ever had before. Additionally, I found myself actually crying beginning at Franz and Marla's daughter's stillbirth and continued to do so as I read the rest of the story. So, thank you for writing these stories, not only were they a true joy to read throughout but, as I said, by the end you had moved me to tears, something which I know I'll fondly remember and appreciate for the rest of my life. I look forward to reading "Murder" and "The Devil's Opera" and your other works that I haven't gotten to yet and I truly hope you keep writing for a long time. (Sorry if this is posted in an inappropriate spot but I didn't see any "email the author" or similar contact information)
Hi Greg –
You just said words that every writer likes to hear, and paid me the greatest of compliments when you described how my stories reached you. You have confirmed that I achieved my goal of creating in my readers some of the same feelings that I felt when I was writing the stories. Thanks muchly.
I thought I had a "Contact David" note with an email address posted the website. Thanks for drawing my attention to the fact that I apparently don't. I'll have to fix that.
Thanks again for reading my stories and sharing your feelings about them.
I'm on Facebook, by the way.