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Bit of An Update…

… and all that. Finished the first draft of an outline for the next Jao novel and sent it to senior author Eric Flint.  We don’t have a contract for it yet, so this is all preliminary and “on spec” so to speak, but I believe when the sales...

The State of Reviewing

I know a lot of writers get really worked up about reviews and reviewers, stressing over the quantity and ratings level as if they were a factor in the welfare of the universe.  I’ve seen some writers go ballistic over a single poor rating, or get in flame wars...

New Work Available

So, recently I wrote a series of stories set in the 1632 universe.  I took a germ of an idea that I had mentioned in 1636: The Devil’s Opera, and built a story arc around it.  The idea germ was that a secondary character named Johann Gronow, a real historical...

I’m Back!

Okay, this is going to be a pretty mammoth update. First of all, major apologies for disappearing, but the host of my website had to make some technical updates late last year, and in the process of doing so, my website package got somewhat discombobulated, and long...

Bringer of Fire

And Baen Books today published my story “Bringer of FIre” on their website. This tells the backstory of Vikram Bannerji, one of the new characters introduced in “The Span of Empire” which will be published in three weeks....